A Prayer of Faith and Salvation

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A Prayer of Faith and Salvation

O God,

I now know that I want my life to be fully in your hands. This is right. It is time for me to hold back no longer.
You have brought me to this place. I know I am not merely imagining that you are real, and I am not just following what my friends and family want.

And so I confess to you that I am a sinner. I have sinned in my thoughts, and in my words, and in my deeds. Sometimes I sinned intentionally, and often-times by mistake. I want you to be the master of my life, not sin.

I confess that I believe in Jesus Christ. Though I have much to learn, I understand Jesus came to save us from our sins. His life was perfect, and in his death on the cross he offered forgiveness. He is Lord of all.

I humbly accept your great gift of mercy. You have done this, great God.

Heavenly Father, I want to live under your care every day.
Lord Jesus, it is right for me to follow you.
Holy Spirit, I am empty unless you fill me, broken unless you heal me, weak unless you empower me.

I am uncertain of what will happen next in my life, so help me, dear God, to have faith every day. Bring people into my life who can teach me what life in Jesus can be. I throw myself on your mercy today.
I pray this prayer with faith in you and in your amazing grace.


from Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances



Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances by Mel Lawrenz. WordWay, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9974063-0-6

Sometimes we know exactly what to pray, and sometimes it seems hard to find the right words. That is not unusual. That is why Christians have been writing prayers to support each other for centuries, based on the values and the standards we find in Scripture.


In Prayers for Our Lives author and pastor Mel Lawrenz offers 95 different prayers to be used in times of distress, on special occasions, and as daily patterns. For instance:

Morning Prayers – Evening Prayers – Mealtime Prayers –
When We Are Ill – When We Are Discouraged – For Faith and Salvation –
When We Are Tempted – For Friends – For the Nation –
When Someone Gets Married –  For a New Graduate – Praise to Christ the Lord –
Thanks for a Major Achievement – When We Need Guidance
One-sentence prayers – and dozens more.

– complete list of prayers –

You can use these prayers in private times, in a group, for a special occasion, or in church. Or adapt them as you see fit.


Mel Lawrenz trains an international network of Christian leaders, ministry pioneers, and thought-leaders. He has a Ph.D. in the history of Christian thought (Marquette University) and has been on the adjunct faculty of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Trinity International University. He served as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin for ten years and now serves as Elmbrook’s minister at large. He has authored 18 books with Zondervan, Baker, Jossey-Bass, Leadership Network, Regal, and others.


“Mel writes with disarming honesty, and each prayer is like a cry of the heart. Here child-like simplicity meets sage-like wisdom, all of it spoken so intimately that living breath still fills each word. Lifelines indeed.”  —Mark Buchanan, author, pastor, and professor

Version 2

If you purchased Prayers for Our Lives you may download a collection of PDFs of selected prayers. Go here and use the 4 digit password which you will find printed on the last page of your book (or in your Kindle version).


Play or download some of the prayers in Prayers for Our Lives. Check back later for more. (Radio stations: see the license for use.)

A Morning Prayer — An Evening Prayer — Praise to God the Father —
A Prayer to Start the Work Day — Thanks For an Ordinary Day —
Prayer for the World — A Prayer of Faith and Salvation — and more

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 Who needs a book of prayers for everyday life?

An ordinary believer — A Christian leader —
A friend in need — Someone exploring faith — A new graduate —

A newly-wed couple — Someone who is ill —
Someone who is lonely — Someone who is unemployed

Church staff members — A church membership class —
A counselor or chaplain or pastor —
Members of a small group  — Someone who is in prison

Everyone needs ways to talk to God everyday, about everything.



Ways to use Prayers for Our Lives in the life of a church or a Christian organization.

  • Prayers for CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP—pastoral, or unison reading. Holiday prayers and prayers for the community and nation.
  • SMALL GROUPS may use Prayers for Our Lives for their regular prayer time, or as a tool for teaching patterns of prayer.
  • Prayers for Our Lives as a gift for NEW CHURCH MEMBERS.
  • BULK ORDERS: Discounts available for churches or other organizations wishing to make Prayers for Our Lives available for groups of people, or for a whole-church initiative.
  • OUTREACH and EVANGELISM: People searching for God, considering faith, or even skeptical of faith may find a bridge to God through simple or specialized prayers.
  • PRISON MINISTRY: Where a book of prayers helps people have lifelines to God.



How to bulk order Prayers for Our Lives for a class, church, or organization.

There are several prayers for the nation, for one’s community and for the world in Prayers for Our Lives. Here is one of them…


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