For Children’s Ministry Workers

Thank you for what you do for our kids! You have a vital role in helping their spiritual development along. How do we encourage kids to pray? One way is to give them models of how to pray, which is what the 50 prayers in A Book of Prayers for Kids are for. You can think of this as a tool for teaching about prayer. Or you may want to get quantities of the book for distribution in your children’s ministry. To inquire about getting 50 or more copies and receive the bulk discount, inquire HERE.

Possible ways to use the book in your church or class:

  • Gift it to families in your Christian education program. Giving away strategic resources is an important way to firm up people’s commitment to your program or church.
  • Offer it to families and suggest a $5 donation.
  • Pastors – have a special sermon about prayer and offer A Book of Prayers for Kids after the service, perhaps for a suggested $5. donation. Do the same with the book of prayers for adults, Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances.
  • Sunday school teachers – gift the book to kids in your class. Use it as a teaching tool about prayer by using some of the prayers in class.

If you are a pastor, children’s ministry director, a teacher, or some other ministry director and would like to receive a free examination copy of A Book of Prayers for Kids, please use the following form. Someone will reply soon. (Please indicate what church or organization and your position. Also include your mailing address, please.)

To inquire about getting 50 or more copies and receive the bulk discount, inquire HERE.

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A Book of Prayers for Kids is your guide for talking to God. The 50 prayers here are for everyday use. Prayers to start the day, end the day, mealtime prayers, prayers for when we are ill, confused, lonely, or happy. Prayers for family, for friends, for school. And many others. Don’t stick this book on a shelf! Put it in your backpack, beside your bed, at your dinner table—wherever you can reach for it! Use the prayers. Talk to God!

A Word to Someone Giving This Book to a Kid…

What could be more important than giving our kids the tools to keep them connected to God? Kids are wired to have faith. And prayer is the way they (and we) make our bond to God strong. Kids don’t need simplistic prayers. They need to be inspired to use the minds and hearts God gave them to speak specifically about every circumstance of life.


INCLUDES… A Mealtime Prayer – A Prayer to Start the Day – A Prayer to End the Day – When You are Lonely – When You’ve Lost a Friend – When You Are Being Bullied – When You Accomplished Something Good – When Your Father is Not Doing Well – When Your Mother is Not Doing Well – When Someone You Love is Ill – On Your Birthday – To God Our Father – To Jesus the Son of God – To God the Holy Spirit – When Someone You Love Has Died – When Your Pet Is Ill – At Christmas Time – Thanks for Your Mother – Thanks for Your Father – Thanks For Your Family – Prayer for Faith – Prayer for Hope – Prayer for Love – When You Are Confused – When You Have Done Wrong – Before Going to Church – Before Reading the Bible – When You Have to Say Sorry – About School – For the Beginning of the School Year – For the End of the School Year

Prayers are matched with corresponding Scripture passages.


102 pages, paperback
under $10; ages 7 – 12

The purpose for this book of prayers for kids is simple: To give kids the means to stay connected to God. (It is aimed at ages 7 to 12, approximately. But kids may start younger or go older.)

There is nothing more important we can do as parents for our kids than to help them have their own relationship with God. Adults can help kids use or memorize set prayers, and that is very beneficial. This is not a substitute for them praying spontaneously, in their own words. Using written prayers is a way of learning how to pray. Written prayers may show that it is okay to say anything to God, and that we should be honest and forthcoming. When Jesus’ disciples said, “teach us to pray,” he did not do a lecture on methods of prayer. Jesus just gave them a model prayer, which we know as the Lord’s Prayer.

This book contains prayers for daily patterns, for specific situations, for family and friends, for special occasions, etc. If you familiarize yourself with these, you may be able to remind your young friend at times when he or she needs to connect with God.

You may be able to teach your child by talking through the words of the prayers as you use them. For instance, “A Prayer to Start the Day” includes phrases about thoughts, words, and actions, a classic way of talking about all of life. If there is a new word in a prayer here and there, that is a chance for kids to add new ideas to their minds and vocabularies.

Personalize this book as your gift to the kid or kids you want to help. This makes a perfect birthday gift, Christmas or Easter gift, graduation gift, or anytime, really. Parents, you will have ways to pray with your kids. Grandparents, you will be able to make a deposit for the spiritual growth of you grandkids. Aunts and uncles and neighbors and friends, your young friends and their parents will be glad that you care about the kids in your life.

Dr. Mel Lawrenz has been an author and pastor for more than 35 years, and the father of a daughter and a son, with his wife, Ingrid. His 18 books with Zondervan, Baker, Regal, WordWay, and other publishers include his book of prayers for adults, Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances. He is the former Senior Pastor and now Minister at Large for Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin. He serves a global audience and has books in 10 different languages.

To inquire about getting 50 or more copies and receive the bulk discount, inquire HERE.

Our friend, Seth, reads “A Prayer to Start the Day.”

FREE PRINTABLE PRAYERS: Click to download PDF. Print for display or framing.

(Permission granted to copy and distribute, unaltered.)

A Prayer to Start the Day —  PDF – 5″ x 7″ format

A Mealtime Prayer  – PDF 5″ x 7″ format